Diari Kehidupan

Coretan Bicara, Bingkisan Pengalaman

Friday, November 26, 2010

Today is my hubby's birthday!!

Happy 29th birthday to my beloved husband, Norazmir Mohd Noor.. I do have many plans on your birthday..This is my list:
1. Surprise party (suppose to be we are going to ledang resort yesterday, but the plan had postponed to another date which is not suitable for us)
2. To give good news: I'm pregnant.... But, sorry my dear, i'm not pregnant.. We need to try further... ;p
3. To search your birthday present.. (Gaji tak masuk lagi, postponed after gaji ye)

Finally, i baked a chocolate strawberry cake for your birthday.. Hope you will like it!!


  1. sebaya azhari la erkk abg amir.. tapi arie tua sikit.. sebab azhari lahir 28hb september 1981..hihih

  2. lor.. ye ke? tak perasan le pulok... hehehe..
